Prakhar Nayyar is a Data Analyst with the Risk-Based Inspection Team at Equity. His most recent experience included creating a PoC for measuring customer-level gross profitability to improve sales strategies and pricing decisions, developing and optimizing complex SQL queries to extract and analyze data to generate business intelligence, and building live Power BI dashboards to provide real-time updates on the company’s customers, financials, and sales. He also served as a Business Analyst where he analyzed market trends and customer purchasing behavior, collected and analyzed historical data to increase the customer base by 15%, formulated price analysis of the market and delivered insights to executive stakeholders, managed and analyzed 350+ clients’ data to track performance, mentored trainees, and led data analysis projects on customer segmentation.
2025 Equity Symposium
Join us for the 2025 Equity Symposium, one of the best educational events of the year. Over two days, you’ll hear about real-world solutions that make industrial work environments safer. […]