E2G Software Team Changes: SaaS

E2G Software Team Changes: SaaS

During the Software User Group Meeting, David A. Osage highlighted recent changes to E2G’s software team.  We have created a new business unit, Software as a Service (SaaS), which solidifies our investment in technology software development and reinforces our focus on technology transfer to our clients through industry-leading software and education.  SaaS includes SagePlus™, API RBI, Damage, and the Equity Engineering Practices (EEPs).  

SaaS is focused on creating technology products that are accessible to all users, from industry experts to new engineers.  Our goal is to build the right products for you, build them right the first time, build them fast, and deliver them via the web.  The SaaS team has embarked on several changes to support these goals, including:  

  • Agile methodology: we’ve implemented the leading development framework for building products, which is used by more than 90% of software companies. 
  • User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design resources will align E2G software more closely with user needs and experience. 
  • Quality assurance & quality control: dedicated resources will test our products’ performance. 
  • Development of website technology, enabling future releases of SagePlus™, API RBI, and Damage to be delivered using modern cloud-based technology. 

Applied Research & Development 

E2G has also created an Applied Research & Development (ARD) team to evaluate current and next-generation technologies.  ARD is focused on keeping E2G at the forefront of consulting service offerings and creating new applications for our clients.  Future ARD software releases will emphasize the user experience, including new graphical aids and technology features: 

  • Design and fitness-for-service (FFS) procedures for ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel and Piping Codes.  
  • ASME material database will cover all materials, codes, and years, with future plans to include international materials. 
  • Enhanced user experience of the FAST 1, 2, and 4 modules for general-purpose stress analysis. 
  • Special purpose analytical tools to address specific problems, such as automated finite element analysis (FEA) and analysis of local thin area (LTA).  

Transition to the Cloud! 

In 2022, E2G is preparing for a cloud transition for SagePlus™ and API RBI.  This transition will provide rapid delivery of new features and improvements, reduce deployment overhead, reduce total cost ownership for users, and increase opportunities for interoperability by leveraging cloud APIs provided by other technology providers.  The cloud environment allows seamless connection between other E2G applications, including Damage and SagePlus™.  If you’d like more information, please contact us today. 

User-Focused Product Design 

Future improvements and developments of our software will be driven by product design, using a combination of science and design to solve real-world technology problems.  We will optimize the user experience by aligning user needs with our business goals to consistently build scalable, long-term, valuable products.  Our user interface, or the look and feel of our software products, will be key in ensuring a positive and seamless user experience.  Our implementation of agile methodology will enable us to design and maintain defined process flows, leading to simple and functional designs. 

For more information on the recent SaaS team changes or our future development initiatives, please fill in the form below.

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E2G Software Team Changes: SaaS

During the Software User Group Meeting, David A. Osage highlighted recent changes to E2G’s software team.  We have created a new business unit, Software as a Service (SaaS), which solidifies our investment in technology software development and reinforces our focus on technology transfer to our

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