The global demand for fertilizer continues to grow, and the speed at which farmers can plant their crops during the planting season creates a high demand for safe and reliable asset performance in anhydrous ammonia manufacturing facilities and terminals. Storage tanks are a vital element in this supply chain to build inventory and deliver ammonia as needed during the planting season. Taking a tank offline for inspections or repairs can have a significant business impact on the tank owner, create logistical challenges for farmers and possibly cause damage to the tank itself. Executing a robust mechanical integrity (MI) programme that ensures ongoing safe and reliable operation is a must for every owner. This article will discuss MI activities utilised throughout the lifecycle of a typical ammonia storage tank, and briefly discuss case studies performed to support MI programme improvements and address potential risks. Ammonia storage tanks designed and constructed to API 620 – Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-pressure Storage Tanks (API 620) and API 625 – Tank Systems for Refrigerated Liquefied Gas Storage (API 625) will be the primary focus.
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