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API RBI Software Training Course

Course Description

This API RBI Software course provides training specific to the API RBI software, which uses the American Petroleum Institute (API) Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) quantitative approach as detailed in API RP 581. Developed by subject matter experts from top multinational refiners and backed by API, the technology behind the API RBI software reflects industry best practices and the expertise of the best minds in the industry.

The course will cover the structure of the API RBI software and is designed to develop skills in its navigation and use. The course helps the student understand and use RBI technology and how it can aid in the development of an RBI program. The course consists of lectures, example problems to demonstrate application, and hands-on workshops using the API RBI software, as each student will input actual equipment design data, inspection historical data, and operating history data. Additionally, the student will learn to create inspection plans based on the API RBI risk principles. The focus of the course is to familiarize the student with the API RBI software but also includes practical information that comes from instructors who have worked for Owner-Users as well as in a consulting capacity.

Our training course materials are developed and instructed by subject matter experts — many of whom are principal contributors on the relevant API committees. The instructors will tailor this class to the specific needs of the participants.

Course Benefits

  • You will become familiar with the API RBI quantitative approach as detailed in API RP 581 using the API RBI software.
  • You will learn how to leverage the API RBI software to meet the specific needs of your organization.
  • You will gain confidence in performing calculations using the API RBI software as you progress through the hands-on workshops developed to strengthen the concepts covered in the lectures.
  • You will build upon in-house expertise of RBI technology and inspection planning, improving efficiency, and saving money spent on consultants.

Course Outline

  • Overview of RBI Principles and API RBI Software Capabilities
  • Introduction to the most recent editions API RP 580 and RP 581
  • Developing a basic API RBI Database
  • Design, Inspection, and Operating Data Entry
  • Damage Mechanism Input
  • Special Modules: PRD, Heat Exchanger Bundles, Storage Tanks
  • Executing Inspection Planning in the API RBI Software
  • Reporting in the API RBI Software
  • Conducting an API RBI Analysis

Course Outcome

Upon completion of the ETI API RBI Software course, students will have a basic understanding of the following:

  • The API RBI quantitative approach using the API RBI software and how to leverage the software to meet the specific needs of your organization.
  • The structure, navigation, and use of the API RBI software.
  • How the API RBI software can be utilized to establish equipment databases, organize inspection data, generate RBI calculations, and develop and document reports.
  • The time and cost savings associated with the use of the analytical tools available in the API RBI software.

Who Should Attend

This course is intended for engineers and inspectors in the refining/petrochemical and comparable industries whose responsibilities include inspection planning. Engineers and inspectors serving in a central engineering staff will also benefit.

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