Confidently Achieve Safe & Reliable Operations

Properly designed, installed, and maintained pressure relieving devices (PRDs) are a critical part of all mechanical integrity programs. At Equity, our multi-disciplinary team will document the relief system design basis, retrofit PRD installations, and develop inspection plans for testing and overhaul of relief devices.

Increase equipment safety

Improve operational reliability

Prevent loss of containment

Improve business continuity

PRD Mechanical Integrity Services

  • Determine if relief device integrity program meets latest guidelines and generally accepted good engineering practice (OSHA 1910.119)
  • Review facility’s PRD standards for compliance with local jurisdictional requirements and ASME and API guidelines
  • Perform or review calculations, including PRD sizing and installation assessment (inlet/outlet pipe sizing and routing)
  • Assess existing surge analysis for pipelines or perform new analysis
  • Develop platform to collect, store, and maintain project data, including a comprehensive record of existing PRDs
  • Determine inspection intervals using a relief risk-based inspection (RBI) assessment
  • Provide project management services to deliver a complete package of supporting documentation and an RBI inspection plan

Equity uses risk-based inspection (RBI) to quantify risk and make informed decisions about how, when, and where to inspect PRDs. This optimized approach to PRD inspection can significantly reduce maintenance costs without jeopardizing the safety of the plant.

Recommended Reading

Pressure Relief Device & Mechanical Integrity Expertise

Continuous improvement is a key element of an MI program to ensure it evolves with changes in technology and requirements in the industry. E2G’s mechanical integrity team combines its industry experience with a multi-disciplinary approach to support your MI program improvements and the full lifecycle management of assets. Our team of internationally recognized experts in pressure relief system design, optimization, and installation will provide practical recommendations to increase safety and maximize reliability.

Our experts:

  • Have 420+ years of combined field experience in petrochemical, chemical, and oil and gas industries
  • Pioneered development of FFS and RBI
  • Include an API 520 task force chairman for more than 25 years
  • Are primary authors on WRC 528 and WRC 562
  • Are lead investigators on API 579, API 571, and API 581