Quickly access upcoming training courses, webinars, and other Equity-hosted events. Our monthly webinars are complimentary and include a variety of industry-relevant topics. All API-U and Equity Technical Institute (ETI) training courses can be customized to meet your organization’s training needs and qualify as activities for API’s CPD requirements.

Preview the New Equity Engineering Cloud Platform

Initially launched in 2017, the Equity Engineering Cloud (eec) allows you to leverage the convenience of a cloud-based platform to quickly and easily perform complex engineering calculations that are aligned with the latest industry codes and standards.

Fitness-For-Service: Volumetric Metal Loss (Parts 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 of API 579)

The training session begins with the definition of fitness-for-service (FFS) and introduces the Life-Cycle Management (LCM) framework as a process to manage the entire life-cycle of fixed equipment including design, construction, in-service use, repair, and retirement. Opportunities for FFS assessments are presented from both the traditional reactive mode and from an opportunistic proactive mode. General […]


Damage Mechanisms (API RP 571)

This Damage Mechanisms training course covers an overview of basic metallurgy and a description of the most common refining processes. Its major focus includes detailed discussions of the key refining damage mechanisms addressed in API RP 571 and examples of equipment damage and failures. It also includes discussion of typical non-destructive evaluation (NDE) methods applicable […]


Risk-Based Inspection

This API-U approved Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) virtual training course provides attendees with a basic understanding of RBI principles and methodologies given in API RP 580 and 581. With a heavy emphasis on API RP 581 technology, students learn how to apply RBI technology to processing equipment by determining the probability of failure, the consequence of […]


Pressure Relieving Systems (API 520/521)

This Pressure Relieving Systems virtual training course will provide attendees with practical experience involving Pressure Relief Devices (PRDs).  This course covers proper sizing, selection, and installation of PRDs to ensure adequate overpressure protection is provided and reduce hazards if a PRD discharges.  The course content includes 3% inlet pressure drop requirements, sizing of PRDs in […]


Process Piping Course

This Process Piping course provides the learner a basic, practical understanding of the piping design and analysis requirements of the ASME B31.3 Process Piping Code.  The course details piping component and system design, material considerations, fabrication, and examination and testing. It focuses on design loads for piping, design for internal pressure, piping flexibility analysis, branch […]


Improving the Reliability and Performance of Fired Heaters

A refinery or petrochemical facility needs fired heaters operating efficiently to maintain the safe and reliable performance of the entire facility. Applying a new risk-based inspection (RBI) module for fired heaters can assist owner-operators in identifying high risk equipment and improving the reliability and safety of fired heaters. 

5th Annual Fitness-for-Service Mechanical Integrity, & Reliability Symposium

You’re invited to attend the 5th annual Fitness-for-Service (FFS), Mechanical Integrity, and Reliability Symposium on February 14-15, 2023. The Symposium is one of E2G’s best educational events of 2023 – don’t miss your opportunity to learn from E²G experts and hear about the latest updates to industry codes and standards and trends in engineering and inspection […]

Risk-Based Inspection

This API-branded Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) training course gives attendees the basic understanding of RBI principles, recommendations, requirements, and the methodologies of API RP 580 and 581. With a heavy emphasis on API RP 581 technology, students learn how to apply RBI technology to processing equipment by determining the probability of failure, the consequence of failure, […]


Fitness for Service

This training course covers all parts of API 579 but is divided into two training sessions. Each session is taught over 2 days, or 16 hours of training. Attendees can choose to attend one or both sessions.


Leading the Way in RBI and CML Management: Insights & Strategies

In this webinar we will discuss the current challenges with RBI at this current moment. Piping RBI is one of the most difficult forms of RBI to implement, since lining up circuits with CMLs and risks becomes a murky process. Once we discuss these challenges we will present one method that we are currently using […]