Quickly access upcoming training courses, webinars, and other Equity-hosted events. Our monthly webinars are complimentary and include a variety of industry-relevant topics. All API-U and Equity Technical Institute (ETI) training courses can be customized to meet your organization’s training needs and qualify as activities for API’s CPD requirements.

Evaluating Large Aboveground Storage Tanks Subject to Seismic Loading

This webinar covers the basics of API 650 and API 620 seismic design requirements, a simplified approach to evaluate tanks subject to seismic loading, the derivation of an equivalent static FEA-based approach for evaluating tanks subject to seismic loading, an overview of different method for performing computational explicit dynamic analyses, a brief summary of how to establish site-specific seismic ground accelerations based on geotechnical soil testing data, and a detailed overview of smooth particle hydrodynamic (SPH) analysis techniques for simulating fluid sloshing behavior in an FEA.

Inspection for FFS & FFS for Inspection

This webinar provides an overview of fitness-for-service (FFS), typical FFS inspection data requirements and damage characterization, data issues commonly encountered during FFS evaluations, a case study regarding the impact of inspection data on FFS evaluations, advice on how to deal with data uncertainty in FFS evaluations, and a case study regarding proactive FFS to optimize future inspections.