2021 SagePlus™ and API RBI User Group Round-Up

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2021 SagePlus™ and API RBI User Group Round-Up

“Great effort to provide useful content.  I got the feeling I was part of an embracing community working together for the greater good.” – 2021 Software User Group Attendee 

In September, E2G hosted the first-ever super user group meeting for both SagePlus™ and API RBI.  During this virtual event, we shared our dedication to technology development with our user community.  Our subject matter experts (SMEs) presented a total of 23 different sessions to attendees from 67 companies in 18 countries.  Topics included industry code updates and recommended practices, reporting, technical demonstrations, software roadmaps, case studies, and live Q&As.  

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First-Ever SagePlus™ User Group Highlights 

“New version demonstrates a great step forward and I’m looking forward to using it.”

– SagePlus™ User Group Meeting Attendee

During the first-ever SagePlus™ User Group Meeting, attendees heard a wide range of topics, including updates to the fitness-for-service (FFS) assessment capabilities, new software features and functionality, and a preview of the upcoming material database.  In the roadmap session, we introduced our plans for a cloud-based SagePlus™, for which we’re looking forward to sharing more details in 2022.   

  • Fitness-for-Service (FFS): updates to the FFS assessment capabilities, plus a review of the API 579 3rd edition that will be published at the end of 2021.  
  • New Features: new graphics, grid orientation toggling to reduce error during data entry, evaluating shock chilling for Part 3 Level 2 brittle fracture, new fatigue screening assessment, and output acceptance criteria.  The live demo reviewed several features: inputs, input/output GUI, code calculations, new and updated modules, and ASME B31 pipe compressive stress.  
  • Material Database: a major overhaul is underway!  Several new features were demonstrated, including the physical properties, notes modifier, toughness modifier, material group matching, and material group outputs.  The material database will be rolled out in two phases: 
    • Phase 1: section III nuclear components and section XII transport tank materials 
    • Phase 2: additional historic years and international standards  
  • eecWebTools: attendees saw several new features for nozzle stress analysis and crack-like flaws, plus heard how WebTools are closely aligned with future SagePlus™ development. 

Annual API RBI User Group Meeting Highlights 

“Great job all around! I really enjoyed the conference and learned something that will help drive our program forward.”

– API RBI User Group Meeting Attendee

We had the highest attendance ever at an API RBI User Group Meeting!  Our attendees learned about upcoming development initiatives, saw several new features in action, and got a sneak peek into upcoming changes to the API 581 4th edition.  Plus, they heard about the upcoming transition of API RBI to the cloud; stay tuned for release details next year.   

  • New Features: overview of recently added features from API 581 Addendums 1 and 2, plus additional software updates were discussed: 
    • API 581 Addendum 1:  
      • Pressure-relieving devices (PRDs) module – equipment burst pressure 
      • Thinning damage factor for clad components 
      • Level 1 consequence of failure (COF) 
    • API 581 Addendum 2
      • Tank bottom edge 
      • Rectangular header box components 
      • Alkaline carbonate stress corrosion cracking 
      • Chloride stress corrosion cracking susceptibilities 
      • Application of corrosion rate adjustment factors on external corrosion 
    • E2G’s PRD Inspection Planning Methodology: improvements for updating inspection probability of failure on demand (POFOD) that will eliminate some anomalies that currently occur.  Calculations will include pop pressure, which assigns different credits for POFOD depending on overpressure during pop tests.  
    • Cascading Inspection Planning: future releases will provide multiple options for inspection planning, how each option will reduce the risk, and ultimately how that will affect future target dates. 
    • Independent Damage Mechanism Planning: users will be able to individually obtain an inspection target date for each damage mechanism. 
    • Equation Reports: new report writing tools will make backend calculations more transparent, and users will find it easier to learn API 581 analysis methodology.  Note that this feature is currently only available for Level 1 COF calculations.  
    • Customizable User Reports: import or export reports, including inspection plans, design information, inspection histories, and damage mechanisms as PDF or Word files.  If exporting more than one report, API RBI will automatically hyperlink the files for easier navigation. 
    • Future Changes – API 581 4th Edition: when the 4th edition is released in late 2022 or early 2023, API RBI will incorporate several updates, including:  
      • Internal liner thinning damage factor  
      • Inspection plan methodology  
      • Maximum acceptable safety risk target 
      • PRD RBI revision 
      • COF changes 
      • Steam system RBI  

Thank you to everyone who attended the Software User Group Meeting; we appreciate your continued support, feedback, and questions as you help to enhance our products.  If you’d like to be involved in one of our user research panels, please fill in the form below:

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