Wet H2S Damage Detection


As discussed in the previous installment of Damage Control, wet H2S damage mechanisms, including hydrogen blistering, hydro gen induced cracking (HIC), stress-oriented hydrogen induced cracking (SOHIC), and sulfide stress cracking (SSC) incite many equipment reliability, maintenance, and safety issues across numerous process units in the oil refining and related industries. Furthermore, several different inspection methods (visual, surface, and volumetric) are often utilized to proactively identify and characterize these damage mechanisms in critical pressure equipment. Once damage has been detected and accurately described (e.g., location, size, extent, orientation, etc.), knowing how to evaluate the observed damage and qualify it using fitness-for-service (FFS) techniques without the need for costly equipment repair or replacement can be invaluable (lost production can also be minimized). This issue of Damage Control offers a practical perspective on how to assess the different forms of wet H2S damage using modern FFS and computational analysis techniques, with the ultimate goal of justifying the continued safe operation of damaged pressure vessels, piping, and associated components.

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