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Kristi Brooks, P.E., SMIEEE

Consulting Engineer I
Years of Experience:
Education & Licenses:

Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND
Registered Professional Engineer, States of Florida, Louisiana, and North Dakota

Areas of Specialization:

Electrical Safety and Reliability Audits
Industrial Capital Improvement Project Design
Commercial Electrical Project Design
Construction Management
Project Cost Estimates
NFPA Code Compliancy Evaluation
Low-Voltage Power Distribution
Electrical Construction Specifications and Standards


Kristi Brooks has experience in a lead role as an Electrical Engineer for cane and beet sugar, petro-chemical, and food & beverage processing industrial facilities.  This has involved working closely with owner representatives or project managers, along with leads from other disciplines, developing project schedules, scope budget, equipment/construction specifications, and drawing packages.  Drawing packages include one-line diagrams, power distribution plans, lighting plans, conduit/cable plans and schedules, grounding/lightning protection plans and details, electrical equipment load schedules, motor controls schematics, and hazardous area classification plans.

Kristi also has experience as an Electrical Engineering Department Head where she designed new commercial facilities including hotels, nursing homes, restaurants, community centers, municipal buildings, and gaming facilities.  She also performed and evaluated power coordination studies for new designs and substantial changes to existing commercial facilities. 

Kristi has performed volunteer work within IEEE that includes positions as Director of the Board on IEEE-USA and IEEE – Educational Activities Board.  This required her to research and provide input, ideas, and opinions on issues including Tech Policy, government relations in regard to technology, university accreditation, professional development, and pre-college education and online course content.  For six years, she served as Director on the IEEE Foundation Board, which included project evaluation and selection on a worldwide basis to further the interests of the institute, participation in creating and evaluating the annual budget, and evaluation of grant applications.

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