Nathan Libertowski

Staff Engineer II
Years of Experience:
Education & Licenses:

Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering, 2019, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, 2017, Ohio Northern University, Ada, OH
ISO 18436-2:2014 Vibration Analyst Category III

Areas of Specialization:

Piping vibration measurements techniques such as ODS, model testing, and MAV
Vibration fatigue analysis using dynamic FEA
Creation of custom support designs and solutions to mitigate vibration issues
Piping and rotating equipment vibration root cause determinations
Piping vibration from two-phase flow
API 579 FFS evaluations
Vibration risk-based inspection (VRBI)
Piping flexibility analysis with SIMFLEX-IV
Finite element analysis (FEA)
Computation fluid dynamics (CFD)
Image processing for experimental high-speed particle velocity identification and analysis


Nathan Libertowski is a Staff Engineer with the Rotating Equipment, Vibrations, & Dynamics (REVD) Team at Equity. He has been involved in multiple piping vibration and API 579 FFS projects. In many of these projects, he collected vibration data in-field and performed dynamic FEA to determine the severity of the vibration. If required, creative support designs or vibration mitigation techniques were suggested to reduce the vibration. Nathan is also a member of ASME and is Category III vibration analyst certified. 

Prior to Equity, Nathan was a Graduate Research Assistant at The Ohio State University, where he worked at the Turbine Aerothermodynamics Lab and studied particulate deposition relevant to gas turbine engines.  There, he designed experiments to validate, improve, and add physics to the OSU Deposition model.


  1. Libertowski, N.D., Bifano M.F.P., “An In-depth Look at The ASME OM-3 Method to Evaluate Piping Vibration with Case Studies,” Vibration Institute Annual Training Conference (VIATC), Niagara Falls, NY, 2023.
  2. Libertowski, N.D., Bifano M.F.P., “Identifying and Understanding the Risk of Acoustic-Induced Vibration Failures,” Inspectioneering Journal, March/April edition, 2021.
  3. Libertowski, N.D., Geiger, G.M., Bons, J.P., “Modeling Deposit Erosion in Internal Turbine Cooling Geometries,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbine and Power, 142(3), 2020.
  4. Geiger, G.M., Gnanaselvam P., Plewacki, N., Libertowski N.D., Bons, J.P., “Limitations with using RANS to Predict Airborne Particle Distribution and Scalar Mixing in a Turbulent Pipe Flow,” AIAA SciTech, AIAA-2020-1330, Orlando, FL, 2020.
  5. Libertowski, N.D., Plewacki, N., Bons, J.P., “The Effect of Temperature and Melting Relative to Particle Deposition in Gas Turbines,” AIAA SciTech, AIAA-2019-1951, San Diego, CA, 2019.
  6. Bowen, C.P., Libertowski, N.D., Mortazavi, M., Bons, J.P., “Modeling Deposition in Turbine Cooling Passages with Temperature-Dependent Adhesion and Mesh Morphing,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbine and Power, 141(7), 2019.