Nate Sutton, P.E.

Senior Engineer II
Years of Experience:
Education & Licenses:

Bachelor of Science, Corrosion Engineering, The University of Akron, Akron, OH
Registered Professional Engineer, States of Massachusetts and Ohio

Areas of Specialization:

Creep testing and remaining life analysis of components in high-temperature service
In-service welding (hot tap) analysis and simulation assessment
Thermo-physical and mechanical properties of materials
Post-weld heat treatment practices for fabrication and repair welding
Metallurgical laboratory failure analysis investigations
Fire damage assessment and fitness-for-service
Engineering evaluation and fitness-for-service of equipment with high-temperature hydrogen attack
Risk-based inspection: vessel damage reviews, piping systemization & circuitization
Advanced non-destructive examination methods & applications for high-temperature damage
Damage mechanisms, materials selection, and corrosion testing in renewable fuels applications


Nate has developed Equity Engineering’s abilities in accelerated creep testing, high-temperature hydrogen attack (HTHA), and high-temp material properties.  He has performed fire damage assessments, and consulted on numerous projects related to metallurgy, corrosion, materials selection, and risk-based inspection (RBI).  He has hands-on welding experience, which he has used to provide guidance on weld repairs, hot taps, and fabrication problems.  Nate has presented at NACE/AMPP, API, and MTI conferences.

Prior to joining Equity, Nate worked in BP’s downstream US refineries and R&D groups.


  1. Penso, J., Sutton, N.G., & Rollins, B.C., “Material Testing and FFS Modelling for HTHA of Less-Common Alloys: C-0.3Mo,” AMPP Corrosion 2004, Paper 21142, pages 1-11, New Orleans, LA, March 2024.
  2. Sutton, N.G. & Sears, S., “Nitrite-Based Oxidative Chemical Treatments for Polythionic Acid SCC Mitigation,” AMPP Corrosion 2004, Paper 21145, pages 1-12, New Orleans, LA, March 2024.
  3. Sutton, N.G. & Prueter, P.E., “Fatigue Properties Of Zirconium And Zirconium Alloys And Their Application In Design And FFS,” AMPP Corrosion 2023, Paper 19188, pages 1-10, Denver, CO, March 2023.
  4. Rollins, B.C. & Sutton, N.G., “Crack Growth in Carbon and C-0.5Mo Steels in High Temperature Hydrogen: Laboratory Data and Fitness-for-service Modelling,” ASME Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference, PVP2022-84906, pages 1-10, Las Vegas, NV, July 2022.
  5. Rollins, B.C., Evans, K.J., Sutton, N.G, & Esteban, J., “Chemical Treatment to Mitigate Polythionic Acid SCC Without a Soda-Ash Wash: Laboratory and Plant Experience” AMPP (NACE) Corrosion 2022, Paper 17933, pages 1-15, San Antonio, TX, March 2022.
  6. Sutton, N.G. & Kirkham, K.K., “Converting Hydroprocessing Equipment to Produce Renewable Diesel from Soybean and Corn Oil: Corrosion and Materials Considerations,” AMPP (NACE) Corrosion 2022, Paper 17989, pages 1-14, San Antonio, TX, March 2022.
  7. Sutton, N.G., Baldesberger, L.A., & Osage, D.A., “Recognition of UNS K91201 (Grade T/P 921 9Cr-2Si-1Cu) Alloy in API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 and API Std 530,” WRC Bulletin 589, 2021.
  8. Prueter, P.E., Sutton, N.G., & Kowalski, P.J., “Evaluating the Flaw Tolerance and Ductile Tearing Resistance of Austenitic Stainless-steel Welds,” NACE Corrosion (Virtual) 2021, Paper 16811, pages 1-15, 2021.
  9. Sutton, N.G., “Forthcoming Changes to High Temperature Property Data,” MTI Connect, Issue 1, pages 18-21, 2021.
  10. Sutton, N.G., Baldesberger, L.A., & Osage, D.A., “Recognition of UNS S34752 (Advanced 347AP) Alloy in API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 and API Std 530,”WRC Bulletin 582, 2020.
  11. Sutton, N.G., Baldesberger, L.A., & Osage, D.A., “Recognition of UNS K91060 (Alloy 115 aka T115) Alloy in API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 and API Std 530,”WRC Bulletin 576, 2020.
  12. Nugent, M., Silfies, T.P., Kowalski, P.J., and Sutton, N.G., “Recent Applications of Evaluation Equipment in HTHA Service,” NACE Corrosion 2018, Paper 10509, Phoenix, AZ, April 2018.
  13. Sutton, N.G., “Multiplexed Sensor Array for Accurate Time-of-wetness (TOW) measurement,” NACE Corrosion 2017, Paper 9370, New Orleans, LA, March 2017.

Conference & Training Presentations:

  1. Using Omega Creep Testing for FFS Remaining Creep Life Assessments, presented by R. Patadia and N.G. Sutton, August 2023, public webinar.
  2. Converting Units to Process Renewable Feeds: Materials & Corrosion Concerns (Inspectioneering Article & Webinar), April 20, 2023.
  3. Renewable Fuels Units: Leveraging IOWs and Inspection of Critical CMLs to Enhance Reliability and Profitability, presented by N.G. Sutton at the API Inspection & Mechanical integrity Summit, August 9-11, 2022, San Antonio, TX.
  4. Leveraging IOWs to Enhance Renewable Diesel Unit Reliability and Profitability, presented by N.G. Sutton at the MTI Renewable Diesel Knowledge Roundtable, June 21, 2022, Kansas City, MO.
  5. Damage Mechanisms in the Petrochemical Industry (Public Course), presented by N.G. Sutton and K.K. Kirkham, May 9-13, 2022, virtual.
  6. Determining Inspection Intervals for Equipment at Risk of High Temperature Hydrogen Attack, presented by N.G. Sutton at the MTI Global Solutions Symposium, March 1, 2022, Orlando, FL.
  7. Damage Mechanisms in the Petrochemical Industry (Private Training Courses), presented by J.I. Danis, K.K. Kirkham, and N.G. Sutton, April 19-23, 2021 (virtual), April 26-30, 2021 (virtual), and November 16-18, 2021 (Houston, TX).
  8. Creep Properties for HP and 3545 Tube and Application in API 579 Remaining Life Assessments, presented by N.G. Sutton at the API Roundtable on SMR and Pyrolysis Furnace Tube Metallurgy, October 25, 2021, virtual.
  9. Evolution of PWHT Guidance and Review of SCC Behavior for Grade 91, presented by N.G. Sutton at the API TR 938B Task Group Meeting, October 27, 2021, virtual.
  10. Corrosion and Materials Considerations for Renewable Diesel Units, presented by K.K. Kirkham and N.G. Sutton, August 2021, public webinar.

Industry Activities:

  • AMPP/NACE – Member since 2012 and E2G representative for SC16 – Oil & Gas Downstream.
  • API – Active on behalf of E2G in SCCM and the subcommittee on heat transfer equipment, SCHTE (API Std 530), since 2017.  Current vice-chair for API TR-938B Use of 9Cr-1Mo-V (Grade 91) Steel in the Oil Refining Industry; previously vice chair for API TR-934H Inspection, Assessment, and Repair of Heavy Wall Reactor Vessels in High-temperature High-pressure Hydrogen Service.
  • Materials Technology Institute – TAC and Designated representative for E2G since 2021; project champion for #385 – Renewable Diesel Knowledge Roundtable and #357 – Corrosion in Bio-Oils; chair of the Metals PDC.
  • Member of ASM and ASTM.
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