Patrick Young is a principal rotating equipment engineer with the Rotating Equipment, Vibration, & Dynamics Team at Equity. Patrick brings experience as both an owner-user and consultant, providing engineering support to petrochemical, fossil, and nuclear facilities. He is considered a subject matter expert on rotating equipment and has extensive experience with rotating equipment maintenance/reliability programs, capital project support, machinery troubleshooting/root cause failure analysis, machinery training, and machinery overhaul.
Prior to joining Equity, Patrick worked as a rotating equipment engineer at several petrochemical refineries where he was a member of the corporate rotating equipment networks. He also has experience working as a machinery consultant and a mechanical test/start-up engineer.
- Young, P.T., Danehower, S., “Foreign Material in a Reactor Feed Pump,” Proceedings of the Vibration Institute 20th Annual meeting, June 1996.
- Dippolito, A., Young, P.T., “Case History of the Condensate Pumps at Limerick Nuclear Generating Station,” Vibrations Magazine, September 1995, and Proceedings of the Vibration Institute 19th Annual Meeting, June 1995.
Industry Activities:
- Member API Subcommittee on Mechanical Equipment (SOME)
- API 614 6th Edition Task Force