Philip Henry is responsible for engineering consulting services in the areas of pressure relief, heat transfer, and fluid flow. He is a specialist in the design, installation, sizing, and selection of pressure relief devices and relieving systems, and has been the Chairman and Master Editor of the API Pressure Relieving System Subcommittee’s Task Force on API 520 for the last 28 years. He conducts audits of pressure relieving systems to ensure compliance with OSHA, PSM legislation, and ASME, API, and DIERs Standards, Codes, and Publications. He also teaches the official API Pressure Relieving Systems course.
Philip is actively involved in the development of technology for the API Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) methodology. He was the lead investigator of the re-write of API 581 RBI Technology and is still active in the API 581 task force on RBI. He is responsible for the development and implementation of RBI programs and has chaired the software User group meetings for the API RBI software. Philip has developed a rigorous consequence analysis model to assess the impact of loss of containment from refinery and petrochemical fixed equipment. He also developed industry guidelines on performing risk-based assessments of process equipment, including pressure relief devices, heat exchanger bundles, and fired heaters. Philip teaches the official API 580/581 course on RBI.
Philip provides technical support and engineering consulting to all levels of refinery capital projects. He is responsible for the preparation of purchase specifications, design reviews, and the development and validation of approved vendors’ lists. He conducts project safety reviews for construction and pre-start-up phases of major capital projects. His responsibilities include developing and maintaining engineering specifications in the pressure relief and heat transfer areas and providing overall coordination.
- Heat Transfer Society of the UK, Mike Akrill Award for best presentation, October 2023, HTS Forum.
- American Petroleum Institute, Resolution of Appreciation for Service on the API 581 Task Force, to develop the 3rd Edition of API RP 581, May 2016.
- American Petroleum Institute, Citation of Service for Distinguished and Meritorious Service, May 2015.
- American Petroleum Institute, Recognition for Contributions as Chairman of the Task Force on API 520, Sizing and Selection of Pressure Relieving Devices in Refineries.
- American Petroleum Institute, Recognition for Service for 25 years of dedicated participation in standards development activities.
- Henry, P.A., “ASME Pressure Vessels without PRVs – Is that Allowed?” Inspectioneering Journal, December 2023.
- Herink, T., Ruzika M., Doskocil, J., Henry, P., Sadowski, R., “Propylene Column Pressure Relief Valves Chattering Resulting in Explosion,” Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries Volume 74, Elsevier, 2022.
- Henry, P.A., “An Unfinished Chapter,” World Fertilizer, September 2021.
- Henry, P.A., Osage, D.A., “Proposed Modifications to API 581 Risk-Based Inspection Technology,” Proceedings of the ESOPE, 2013.
- Thornton, D.R., Sadowski, R.A., Henry, P.A., “Practical Considerations When Conducting a Transient Analysis of a Heat Exchanger Tube Rupture,” PVP2012-78563, Proceedings of the ASME Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada, July 15-19, 2012.
- Osage, D.A., Thornton, D.R., Henry, P.A., “Life-Cycle Management of Pressurized Fixed Equipment,” PVP2011-57903, Proceedings of the ASME Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference, Baltimore, MD, July 17-21, 2011.
- Osage, D.A., Thornton, D.R., Henry, P.A., “Life-Cycle Management of Pressurized Fixed Equipment,” Proceedings of the ESOPE, 2010.
- Osage, D.A., Henry, P.A., “Recent Developments and Technology Improvements in API Risk-Based Inspection Planning Technology, Proceedings of the ESOPE, 2007.
- Osage, D.A., Janelle, J.L., Henry, P.A., “Fitness-For-Service Local Metal Loss Assessment Rules in API 579,” Proceedings of the ASME Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference, Seattle, WA, 2000.
Conference & Training Presentations:
- “From PSM Safeguard to PRD Reliability – Do we ever connect the two?” presented by P. A. Henry at the 2024 API Inspection and Mechanical Integrity Summit, January 2024, San Antonio, TX.
- “Overpressure by System Design – An Oil and Gas Perspective on Safety of Kraft Digesters,” presented by P. A. Henry at the 2023 TAPPI PEERS conference, November 2023, Atlanta, GA.
- “Managing Tube Rupture Failure Risks in Pressure Relief Systems,” presented at the UK Heat Transfer Society HTS Forum, October 2023, virtual.
- “Case Study: Tube Rupture Scenario Credibility,” presented by M. Rennillo and P. A. Henry at the Spring 2023 Global Conference on Process Safety, March 2023, San Antonio, TX.
- “Evaluating Pressure Relief Valve Stability per API 520,” presented at the 5th annual Fitness-for Service Symposium, February 2023, Houston, TX.
- “Heat Exchanger Threat Assessment Methodology,” presented by P.A. Henry and J.S. Sowinski at the Inspection & Mechanical Integrity Summit, August 21, 2022, San Antonio, TX.
- “Tube Rupture Dynamic Simulation Using TBREAK,” presented at the 4th Annual Fitness-for Service Summit, June 2022, Houston, TX.
- “Pressure Relief for Non-Process Engineers,” webinar presentation for the Inspectioneering Journal, February 2022, virtual.
- “Forensic RBI, Using Past Failures to set Risk and Damage Factor Targets,” presented by B. McNeill and P. A. Henry presented at the 2021 API Inspection and Mechanical Integrity Summit, San Antonio, TX.
- “Fired Heater Risk-Based Inspection Methodology,” presented by P.A. Henry and J.L. Janelle at the 2019 API Inspection and Mechanical Integrity Summit, January 28-31, 2019, Galveston, TX.
- “Pressure Relief Valve Reliability, Using Past Data to Estimate Failures rates for PRDs,” presented by P.A. Henry and P. J. Smith at the 2017 API Inspection and Mechanical Integrity Summit, February 2, 2017, Galveston, TX.
- “A Global (and American) Perspective on Risk-Based Inspection,” presented at the J-MAP Conference, Waseda University, May 31, 2016, Tokyo, Japan.
- “API RBI Case Study,” presented at the J-MAP Conference, Waseda University, May 31, 2016, Tokyo, Japan.
- “History of API RBI,” presented at the API RBI User Group Meeting, February 2016, Houston, TX.
- “API 581 Level 1 Thinning Damage Calculator,” presented at the API RBI User Group Meeting, February 2015, Houston, TX.
- “API RBI Component Modeling Techniques,” presented at the API RBI User Group Meeting, February 2015, Houston, TX.
- “Fired Heater Model,” presented at the API RBI User Group Meeting, March 2014, Houston, TX.
- “Asset Integrity Management Overview – Life-Cycle Management of Pressurized Fixed Equipment,” presented at API Singapore, March 6, 2012, Singapore.
- Risk-Based Inspection Reliability Assessment for General & Local Thinning, presented at the 11th COTEQ – Conference on Equipment Technology, May 9, 2011, Pernambuco, Brazil
- “Risk-Based Method to Establish Inspection Intervals for Pressure Relief Devices,” presented by P.A. Henry and V.L. Magyari at the CCPS Conference, April 8, 2008, New Orleans, LA.
- “Risk-Based Method to Establish Inspection Intervals for Pressure Relief Devices,” presented by P.A. Henry, V.L. Magyari, and D.P. Baham at the NPRA Conference, May 23, 2007, Houston, TX.