Improving the Reliability and Performance of Fired Heaters
A refinery or petrochemical facility needs fired heaters operating efficiently to maintain the safe and reliable performance of the entire facility. Applying a new risk-based inspection (RBI) module for fired […]
5th Annual Fitness-for-Service Mechanical Integrity, & Reliability Symposium
You’re invited to attend the 5th annual Fitness-for-Service (FFS), Mechanical Integrity, and Reliability Symposium on February 14-15, 2023. The Symposium is one of E2G’s best educational events of 2023 – don’t […]
Risk-Based Inspection
This API-branded Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) training course gives attendees the basic understanding of RBI principles, recommendations, requirements, and the methodologies of API RP 580 and 581. With a heavy emphasis […]
Fitness for Service
This training course covers all parts of API 579 but is divided into two training sessions. Each session is taught over 2 days, or 16 hours of training. Attendees can […]
Leading the Way in RBI and CML Management: Insights & Strategies
In this webinar we will discuss the current challenges with RBI at this current moment. Piping RBI is one of the most difficult forms of RBI to implement, since lining […]
Pressure Relieving Systems
This Pressure Relieving Systems hybrid training course will provide attendees with practical experience involving Pressure Relief Devices (PRDs). This course covers proper sizing, selection, and installation of PRDs to ensure […]
Inspectioneering: Materials, Damage Mechanisms, & Inspection Considerations for Renewable Fuels Units
Renewable fuels is an increasingly important and rapidly growing sector of the energy industry. As new facilities are built and existing facilities undergo modifications in order to process renewables, plant […]
Suitability-for-Service and Fitness-for-Service: Tools for Integrity Management of Fixed Equipment
This presentation will highlight how Suitability-for-Service (SFS) and Fitness-for-Service (FFS) engineering strategies can be applied to improve and optimize the management of fixed equipment with a focus on equipment around […]
Software Community of Users Event
The Community of Users is a new virtual event specifically for our software clients! During this inaugural event, you will have the opportunity to hear about the latest updates, participate […]
Level 3 Fitness-for-Service Case Studies
What does a Level 3 Fitness-For-Service (FFS) assessment look like? This webinar will give a brief introduction to “API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 Fitness-for-Service” and related failure mechanisms, then dive into several […]
Pressure Relieving Systems
This Pressure Relieving Systems hybrid training course will provide attendees with practical experience involving pressure relief devices (PRDs). This course covers proper sizing, selection, and installation of PRDs to ensure […]
Risk-Based Inspection
This API-branded Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) training course gives attendees the basic understanding of RBI principles, recommendations, requirements, and the methodologies of API RP 580 and 581. With a heavy emphasis […]