Are There Gaps in Your Pressure Relief Program? A Critical Part of Your Mechanical Integrity Program
Pressure relieving systems serve as the last line of defense in protection against potentially catastrophic and deadly overpressure events. The sizing and selection of these devices is done with a […]
API 579-1 / ASME FFS-1 Fitness-for-Service – 4-Day Course – All Parts
This Fitness-for-Service (FFS) training course will provide attendees with an introduction to API 579-1/ASME FFS-1. All sections of API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 are covered, with a focus on the Level 1 […]
Optimizing MAT/MPT Limits for Hydroprocessing Equipment
The 2021 edition of API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 (API 579) included several significant technology enhancements to Part 9 Assessment of Crack-like Flaws. These enhancements can be employed in a fracture mechanics-based approach […]
Overview of Damage Mechanisms Affecting FCC Units
Overview of Damage Mechanisms Affecting FCC UnitsPresenters: Brian L. Jack, Principal Engineer II This webinar will cover the primary damage mechanisms affecting fixed equipment in FCC units (reactor, regenerator, and main […]
Midstream Damage Mechanism Review – Fundamentals of Amine Treating Units
Across the midstream industry, most of the active corrosion is typically found in amine units. Often material selection, operating conditions, and amine quality are contributing factors that affect corrosion. During […]
Updating Structural Minimum Thickness Values per API 574
To manage piping systems for safe operation, an active mechanical integrity program needs to focus on piping inspection and provide guidance on acceptable limits for the piping thickness readings being […]
SagePlus/PlantManager with FFS Applications
This SagePlus™ training course provides training specific to the SagePlus™ suite of analytical tools used to evaluate pressure-containing equipment such as process vessels, piping, and storage tanks. The course will […]