August 22, 2023 – August 24, 2023
Pressure Vessels: ASME VIII-1
This Pressure Vessels: ASME VIII-1 course provides the engineer a practical understanding of the basics of pressure vessel design rules of the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1 (ASME VIII-1). The course covers an overview of the organization of ASME VIII-1 including general requirements, component design, material consideration, fabrication, and examination and testing.
The course focuses on the design of shell and head components for internal and external pressure, reinforcement of openings, flange analysis, and the design for protection against brittle fracture and minimum design metal temperature (MDMT). Design considerations for basic refinery vessels such as process towers, drums, heat exchangers, and non-circular pressure vessels are also highlighted. Lectures are interspersed with example problems that introduce concepts covered in the lectures. The focus of the course is design and analysis requirements, but it also includes practical information that comes from instructors who have worked for owner-users as well as in a consulting capacity.
SagePlusTM Software
This course provides training specific to pressure vessel component and equipment-related capabilities within the SagePlusTM suite of analytical tools (SHELL, NOZZLE, FLANGE, HVESS, NCPV, and TOWER). The course will cover the structure of the SagePlusTM software and is designed to develop skills in its navigation and use. The software can be used to design new equipment or evaluate in-service equipment based on the criteria in the ASME and API design codes and standards. In-service evaluation capability includes equipment re-rating or fitness for service for a wide variety of damage mechanisms.