Phillip Prueter, P.E.

Senior Vice President of Consulting Engineering; Principal Engineer II
Years of Experience:
Education & Licenses:

Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering, 2011, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Dynamics and Vibrations Graduate Research Fellow
Bachelor of Science (Summa Cum Laude), Mechanical Engineering, 2009, The University of Akron, Akron, OH
Minor in Applied Mathematics
University Honors Scholar
Recipient of The University of Akron Thomas M. Brittain Award for Outstanding Scholastic Achievement and the Fred S. Griffin – Robert N. Collins Award in Mechanical Engineering
Undergraduate Research: Studying Flow-Induced Vibrations and Mode Shapes of Carbon Nanotubes using Analytical Models
Registered Professional Engineer, States of California, Colorado, Florida, Minnesota, New Jersey, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Texas
Qualified as a Certifying Engineer (CE) per the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, Division 1, Mandatory Appendix XXIII

Areas of Specialization:

Application and Interpretation of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and API Standards
Fitness-For-Service (FFS) Evaluations using API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 Fitness-For-Service
Damage Mechanism Reviews and Metallurgical Failure Analysis
High-Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTHA) Analysis and Remaining Life Predictions
Applying Design by Analysis Techniques to Facilitate Root-Cause Failure Investigations
Advanced Stress Analysis Including Nonlinear Finite Element (FEA) Techniques
Dynamics and Vibrations, Including Explicit FEA to Evaluate Equipment Subjected to Internal and External Blast Loading
Transient Thermal-Mechanical Analysis Techniques to Supplement Fatigue Assessments (with special application to coke drums and molecular sieve vessels)
Transient and Steady-State Heat Transfer Analysis
Fracture Mechanics, Brittle Fracture, Ductile Tearing, and Explicit Flaw Modeling
Minimum Pressurization Temperature (MPT) Evaluations of Hydroprocessing Reactors and Heavy-Walled Equipment
Weld Residual Stress Simulations using Finite Element Analysis Techniques
High-Temperature Creep and Creep-Fatigue Simulations (with special application to high-temperature, low-chrome piping with longitudinal weld seams)
Local Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) Simulations and Optimization
ASME Code Compliance Calculations and Pressure Vessel Design per ASME Section VIII and Section III and other International Codes
Providing Emergency Troubleshooting, Problem Solving, Inspection/Repair Recommendations, Life Cycle Management Strategies, and Technical Support for Plant Shutdowns
Seismic and Natural Frequency Analysis
Nuclear Design Analysis (Section VIII and Section III Equipment), Including Utilizing Finite Element Analysis to Qualify New Equipment Subjected to Pressure and Pipe Loads, Seismic and Transportation Loads, and Transient Thermal Loads


Phillip Prueter is a consultant in the oil and gas, petrochemical, specialty chemical, fertilizer, and power generation industries.  His current role at Equity involves leading Consulting Services and working with talented teams of technical experts across North America, with a strong focus on providing world-class engineering support to clients and supporting the Equity Engineering Practices, Software, and Training.  He specializes in advanced stress analysis, dynamics and vibrations, transient thermal-mechanical fatigue analysis, elevated temperature creep and creep-fatigue simulations, high-temperature hydrogen attack (HTHA), fracture mechanics, minimum pressurization temperature (MPT) evaluations, weld simulations, dynamic blast analysis, seismic and natural frequency analysis, and implementation of ASME Codes and API Standards.  He has additional specialization in root-cause failure analysis, performing damage mechanism reviews, and employing Design by Analysis (DBA) techniques to qualify in-service equipment and new designs.  Phillip’s current role at Equity includes leading Consulting Services.  He is a Registered Professional Engineer in nine states and qualifies as a Certifying Engineer (CE) per the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, Division 1, Mandatory Appendix XXIII and can provide certification of nuclear Design Reports on behalf of the N Certificate Holder.  Additionally, he is a member of the ASME Section VIII Working Group on Design by Analysis (WG-DBA) and Subgroup on Elevated Temperature Construction (SG-ETC), serves as an organizer for the ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, is an instructor for the ASME Master Classes on Design by Analysis and Fatigue, and has authored or co-authored more than 50 technical publications.

Prior to joining Equity, Phillip was a graduate research fellow in the Dynamics and Vibrations Laboratory at The Ohio State University.  His research involved using advanced finite element and contact mechanics techniques to analyze the design and vibration characteristics of gear drive systems and rotating equipment.  Phillip also has experience in the nuclear industry, performing thermal, mechanical, and fatigue analyses on steam generation components for government nuclear power plants.


  1. Prueter, P.E., “Industry Trends in High Temperature Hydrogen Attack,” World Fertilizer Magazine, July/August Issue 2024.
  2. Slovenec, D.E., Wood, J., Kummari, S.R., and Prueter, P.E., “Blast-Induced Failure Analysis of Liquid Ammonia Storage Tank,” PVP2024-122533, ASME Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference, Bellevue, WA, July 28-August 2, 2024.
  3. Prueter, P.E., “A Guide to Brittle Fracture Management,” eBook. Inspectioneering, LLC,, Spring, TX, July 3, 2024.
  4. Prueter, P.E., “Observations on Ammonia Stress Corrosion Cracking,” World Fertilizer Magazine, April 2024.
  5. Prueter, P.E., “A Guide to Sulfidation and High-Temperature H2/H2S Corrosion Management,” eBook, Inspectioneering LLC,, Spring, TX, Oct. 11, 2023.
  6. Prueter, P.E., “A Guide to High-Temperature Creep Management,” eBook, Inspectioneering LLC,, Spring, TX, April 13, 2023.
  7. Sutton, N.G. and Prueter, P.E., “Fatigue Properties of Zirconium and Zirconium Alloys and their Application in Design and Fitness-For-Service,” C2023-19188, Proceedings of the 2023 AMPP Annual Conference & Expo, Denver, Colorado, March 19-23, 2023.
  8. Prueter, P.E., “A Guide to Stress Corrosion Cracking Management,” eBook. Inspectioneering LLC,, Spring, TX, September 30, 2022.
  9. Prager, M., Osage, D.A., and Prueter, P.E., “WRC Bulletin 560: Understanding Welds in Elevated Temperature Service,” Welding Research Council, Shaker Heights, OH, July 2022.
  10. Prueter, P.E., “A Guide to Wet H2S Damage Management,” eBook, Inspectioneering LLC,, Spring, TX, May 5, 2022.
  11. Prueter, P.E., “A Guide to Corrosion Under Insulation Management,” eBook, Inspectioneering LLC,, The Woodlands, TX, Sep 30, 2021.
  12. Prueter, P.E., “A Guide to Thermal Fatigue Management,” eBook. May 13, 2021,, Inspectioneering LLC, The Woodlands, TX, 2021.
  13. Prueter, P.E., Sutton, N.G., and Kowalski, P.J., “Evaluating the Flaw Tolerance and Ductile Tearing Resistance of Austenitic Stainless-Steel Welds.” Proceedings of Corrosion Virtual Conference & Expo., AMPP (NACE International), April 2021.
  14. Prueter, P.E., “Fatigue-Life Assessment,” Chapter 5 in Failure Analysis and Prevention, ASM Handbook Vol. 11. ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 2021.
  15. Prager, M., Sutton, N.G., Patadia, R., Macejko, B., Prueter, P.E., and Osage, D.A. “WRC Bulletin 546: Guidelines for the Approval of New Materials in WRC Bulletin 541, API Std 530, and API 579-1/ASME FFS-1,” Welding Research Council. Shaker Heights, OH. 2020.
  16. Macejko, B.R., Kummari, S.R., and Prueter, P.E., “Advanced Methods for More Accurate Brittle Fracture Screening Assessments,” Inspectioneering Journal, May/June 2020.
  17. Prueter, P.E., “Handling the Heat – Commentary on Attempts in the Ammonia Production Industry to Tackle High Temperature Hydrogen Attack.” World Fertilizer Magazine, January/February 2020.
  18. Prueter, P.E., “Advances in High Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTHA) Inspection and Fitness-for-Service Relating to Ammonia Producers,” Proceedings of the AIChE 64th Annual Safety in Ammonia Plants and Related Facilities Symposium, San Francisco, CA, September 8-12, 2019.
  19. Prueter, P.E., Jones, J.R., Hess, J. and DeLuca, J., “Managing the Risks Associated with Operating a Hydrotreater Reactor with Possible High-Temperature Hydrogen Attack Damage,” PVP2019-93533, Proceedings of 2019 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, San Antonio, TX, July 14-19, 2019.
  20. Kummari, S.R., Prueter, P.E., Bifano, M.F.P., Seijas, A., and Hantz, B., “Further Investigation into the Damage Tolerance of Different Coke Drum Support Skirt Designs,” PVP2019-93529, Proceedings of 2019 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, San Antonio, TX, July 14-19, 2019.
  21. Macejko, B.R., Kummari, S.R., and Prueter, P.E., “Proposed Modifications to API 579 Part 3 Brittle Fracture Screening Procedures,” PVP2019-93207, Proceedings of 2019 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, San Antonio, TX, July 14-19, 2019.
  22. Prueter, P.E., Nugent, M., Kowalski, P., and Silfies, T., “Fitness-For-Service Case Studies in High Temperature Hydrogen Attack,” Proceedings of the 2019 International Methanol Technology Operators Forum (IMTOF) hosted by Johnson Matthey.
  23. Macejko, B.R., Kummari, S.R., and Prueter, P.E., “Current Deficiencies and Proposed Modifications to API 579 Part 3 Brittle Fracture Screening Procedures,” Paper 182d, Proceedings of the AIChE Spring National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2019.
  24. Kowalski, P.J., Prueter, P.E., and Nugent, M.N., “Fitness-For-Service Case Studies in HTHA Equipment”, AIChE Safety in Ammonia Plants & Related Facilities Symposium, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Toronto, ON, Canada, September 17-19, 2018.
  25. Prueter, P.E., Davis, R.C., Rodery, C., McJones, S., Brodzinski, R., Havekost, J., Feddeler, D.E., “Case Studies on the Use of Thermal-Mechanical Finite Element Analysis to Evaluate Weld Ring Gasket and Diaphragm Seal Designs,” PVP2018-84910, Proceedings of the 2018 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, July 15-20, 2018.
  26. Prueter, P.E., Kummari, S.R., “Evaluating Large Aboveground Storage Tanks Subject to Seismic Loading Part I: Closed-Form Solutions and Equivalent Static Analysis,” PVP2018-84836, Proceedings of the 2018 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, July 15-20, 2018.
  27. Kummari, S.R., Bifano, M.F.P., Prueter, P.E., “Evaluating Large Aboveground Storage Tanks Subject to Seismic Loading Part II: Explicit Dynamic Analysis with Liquid Sloshing Effects,” PVP2018-84837, Proceedings of the 2018 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, July 15-20, 2018.
  28. Kummari, S.R., Macejko, B., Prueter, P.E., “Proposed Methodology Changes to Determine Minimum Design Metal Temperature of ASME/API Impact Tested Materials Based on Fracture Mechanics,” PVP2018-84795, Proceedings of the 2018 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, July 15-20, 2018.
  29. Kummari, S.R., Shipley, K.S., Macejko, B., Prueter, P.E., Evans, G., Jamal, N., “Establishing Fracture Mechanics Based Minimum Allowable Temperatures for Low Temperature Applications of ASME B31.3 Piping,” PVP2018-84797, Proceedings of the 2018 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, July 15-20, 2018.
  30. Prueter, P.E., “Techniques for Simulating Creep Damage Evolution at Welds with Emphasis on Evaluating Longitudinal Seam Peaking in High-Temperature Piping Systems,” Proceedings of the 2018 ASME Symposium on Elevated Temperature Applications of Materials for Fossil, Nuclear, and Petrochemical Industries, ETAM2018-6710, Seattle, WA, April 3-5, 2018.
  31. Prueter, P.E., “Observations on Flaw Tolerance and Brittle Fracture: The Effect of Post Weld Heat Treatment,” Inspectioneering Journal, January/February 2018.
  32. Prueter, P.E., Kummari, S.R., Osage, D.A., 2017. “A Fracture Mechanics-Based Approach to Establish Minimum Pressurization Temperature Envelopes,” PVP2017-65805, Proceedings of 2017 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Waikoloa, HI, July 16-20, 2017.
  33. Prueter, P.E., Smith, K., Macejko, B., Shipley, K.S., “Commentary on Recent Changes in ASME B31.3 Post Weld Heat Treatment Requirements and the Effectiveness of Weld Preheat,” PVP2017-65859, Proceedings of the 2017 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Waikoloa, HI, July 16-20, 2017.
  34. Prueter, P.E., Bifano, M.F.P., Kummari, S.R., Hantz, B.F., “A Comparative Study of the Thermal-Mechanical Behavior and Fatigue Life Predictions of Different Coke Drum Support Skirt Designs,” PVP2017-65807, Proceedings of the 2017 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Waikoloa, HI, July 16-20, 2017.
  35. Osage, D.A., Spring, D.W., Anderson T.L., Kummari, S.R., Prueter, P.E., Wallin, K., “Welding Research Council Bulletin 562: Recommendations for Establishing the Minimum Pressurization Temperature (MPT) for Equipment,” Welding Research Council, NY, 2017.
  36. Prueter, P.E., Dobis, J.D., Geisenhoff, M.S., Cayard, M.S., “Remaining Life Sensitivity to Longitudinal Weld Seam Peaking in High-Temperature Low Chrome Piping,” Inspectioneering Journal, July/August 2016.
  37. Prueter, P.E., Macejko, B.R., “Establishing Recommended Guidance for Local Post Weld Heat Treatment Configurations Based on Thermal-Mechanical Finite Element Analysis,” PVP2016-63581, Proceedings of the 2016 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 17-21, 2016.
  38. Prueter, P.E., Dobis, J.D., Geisenhoff, M.S., Cayard, M.S., “A Computational Study of the Creep Response of High-Temperature Low Chrome Piping with Peaked Longitudinal Weld Seams,” PVP2016-63582, Proceedings of the 2016 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 17-21, 2016.
  39. Prueter, P.E., Brown, R.G., “Applying ASME and British Standard Welded Fatigue Methodologies to Thermal Fatigue Case Studies and Investigating Sensitivity to Fatigue Flaw Growth Models,” PVP2015-45609, Proceedings of the 2015 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Boston, MA, July 19-23, 2015.
  40. Prueter, P.E., Brown, R.G., “A Comparison of Design by Analysis Techniques for Evaluating Nozzle-to-Shell Junctions per ASME Section VIII Division 2,” PVP2015-45408, Proceedings of the 2015 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Boston, MA, July 19-23, 2015.
  41. Prueter, P.E., “Comparing Closed-Form Solutions to Computational Methods for Predicting and Validating Stresses at Nozzle-to-Shell Junctions on Pressure Vessels Subjected to Piping Loads,” VVS2015-8015, Proceedings of the 2015 ASME Verification & Validation Symposium, Las Vegas, NV, May 13-15, 2015.
  42. Dewees, D.J., Prueter, P.E., Kummari, S.R., Brown, R.G., Smith, K.J., Bifano, M.F.P., Osage, D.A., “Development of Revised Weld Residual Stress Guidance for Fitness-For-Service Assessments in API 579-1/ASME FFS-1,” The Welding Research Council, Inc., NY, 2015.
  43. Prueter, P.E., “Using Explicit Finite Element Analysis to Simulate the Structural Damage Associated with an Internal Detonation in a Heat Exchanger,” PVP2014-28893, Proceedings of the 2014 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Anaheim, CA, July 20-24, 2014.
  44. Dewees, D.J., Prueter, P.E., Kummari, S.R., “Technical Basis for The Proposed Weld Residual Stress Guidance in API 579-1/ASME FFS-1,” PVP2014-28839, Proceedings of the 2014 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Anaheim, CA, July 20-24, 2014.
  45. Dewees, D.J., Prueter, P.E., Kummari, S.R., “A Continued Evaluation of the Role of Material Hardening Behavior for the NeT TG1 and TG4 Specimens,” PVP2014-28843, Proceedings of the 2014 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Anaheim, CA, July 20-24, 2014.
  46. Prueter, P.E., “Using Explicit Finite Element Analysis to Simulate Blast Loading on Hazardous Chemical Storage Tanks,” Proceedings of the Simulia Community Conference, Providence, RI, 2014.
  47. Prueter, P.E., “Using Explicit Finite Element Analysis to Simulate the Dynamic Response and Predict the Structural Damage Associated with a Real-Life Process Equipment Failure Due to an Internal Detonation,” Proceedings of the AIChE Spring Meeting and 10th Global Congress on Process Safety, New Orleans, LA, 2014.
  48. Prueter, P.E., Dewees, D.J., Brown, R.G., “An R5 Based Creep-Fatigue Critical Flaw Assessment of an In-Service Reformer Piping Tee using Finite Element Analysis,” ETS2014-1034, Proceedings of the 2014 ASME Symposium on Elevated Temperature Application of Materials for Fossil, Nuclear, and Petrochemical Industries, Seattle, WA, March 25-27, 2014.
  49. Prueter, P.E., Dewees, D.J., Macejko, B., Brown, R.G., “Assessing Flanged Joint Leakage and Tube-to-Tubesheet Joint Failure due to Fluid Temperature Differentials in a Floating Head Heat Exchanger Using Finite Element Analysis,” PVP2013-97576, Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference Paris, France, July 14-18, 2013.
  50. Prueter, P.E., Dewees, D.J., Brown, R.G., “Evaluating Fitness-For-Service Assessment Procedures for Pressurized Components Subject to Local Thin Areas near Structural Discontinuities,” PVP2013-97575, Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference, Paris, France, July 14-18, 2013.
  51. Prueter, P.E., Dewees, D.J., “Using Explicit Finite Element Analysis to Simulate the Effects of External Chemical Explosions on Single and Double-Walled Storage Tanks,” Proceedings of the AIChE Spring Meeting and 9th Global Congress on Process Safety, San Antonio, TX, 2013.
  52. Prueter, P.E., Dewees, D.J., Brown, R.G., “Examining Computational Techniques to Simulate the Effects of External Chemical Explosions Using Explicit Finite Element Analysis,” PVP2012-78566, Proceedings of the ASME 2012 Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada, July 15-19, 2012.
  53. J. Dewees, R.H. Dodds Jr., P.E. Prueter, and D.A. Osage, “Three-Dimensional Analysis of Crack Driving Force in Simulated Weld Residual Stress Fields,” Proceedings of the 9th International Trends in Welding Research Conference, Hilton Chicago/Indian Lakes Resort, ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 2012.
  54. Prueter, P.E., “A Study of the Mechanical Design and Gear Tooth Root Strains in Flexible Pin, Multi-Stage, Planetary Wind Turbine Gear Trains Using Three Dimensional Finite Element/Contact Mechanics Models and Experiments,” Thesis: Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 2011.
  55. Prueter, P.E., Parker, R.G., and Cunliffe, F., “A Study of Gear Root Strains in a Multi-Stage, Planetary Wind Turbine Gear Train Using a Three Dimensional Finite Element/Contact Mechanics Model and Experiments,” ASME DETC2011-47451, ASME, 2011.

Conference & Training Presentations:

  1. Prueter, P.E., “A Summary of Updates to Local PWHT Guidance in WRC Bulletin 452,” presented by P.E. Prueter at the 2024 API Inspection and Mechanical Integrity Summit, Jan. 23-25, 2024, San Antonio, TX.
  2. Prueter, P.E., Macejko, B.R., Shipley, K.S., and Beurskens, J., “A Review of New Low Toughness Data for Carbon Steel Forgings, Fittings, and Piping Components,” presented by P.E. Prueter at the 2022 API Inspection and Mechanical Integrity Summit, Aug. 9-11, 2022, San Antonio, TX.
  3. Prueter, P.E., “Practical Fitness-For-Service Considerations for Wet H2S Damage,” presented by P.E. Prueter at the 2022 API Inspection and Mechanical Integrity Summit, Aug. 9-11, 2022, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
  4. Prueter, P.E., “An Overview of the Proposed Updates to the 2020 Edition of API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 Fitness-For-Service,” In 24th Annual International Pressure Equipment Integrity Association (IPEIA) Conference (presented by D. Rinas), Banff, Alberta, Canada, February 24-28, 2020.
  5. Prueter, P.E., “Leveraging Fitness-For-Service Methods in API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 to Evaluate Damaged Components in the Creep Regime,” presented by P.E. Prueter at the EPRI Workshop on Structural Integrity of Components in High-Temperature Applications, ASME Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference, July 18-19, 2019, San Antonio, TX.
  6. Prueter, P.E. and Osage, D.A., “An Overview of the Updates to the 2020 Edition of API 579-1/ASME FFS-1, Fitness-For-Service,” Technical Tutorial 1.3Q (TW-2-1) & 1.4Q (TW-2-2), presented by P.E. Prueter at the 2019 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, July 14-19, 2019, San Antonio, TX.
  7. Prueter, P.E., “High-Temperature Hydrogen Attack Fitness-For-Service Techniques,” presented by P.E. Prueter at the EEMUA Seminar – Detecting and Managing High Temperature Hydrogen Attack, Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association, June 20, 2019, Manchester, England.
  8. Prueter, P.E. and Nugent, M.J., “Fitness-for-Service Case Studies in HTHA Equipment,” presented by J.R. Jones at the 23rd Annual International Pressure Equipment Integrity Association (IPEIA) Conference, February 25-March 1, 2019, Banff, AB, Canada.
  9. Kummari, S.R., Prueter, P.E., Seijas, A., and Hantz, B., “Evaluating the Damage Tolerance of Coke Drum Support Skirt Designs,” presented by S.R. Kummari at the 2019 Biennial API Inspection Summit, January 28-31, 2019, Galveston, TX.
  10. Prueter, P.E. and Kummari, S.R., “Seismic Loading of Aboveground Storage Tanks: Design and Fitness-For-Service Considerations,” presented by P.E. Prueter at the 2019 Biennial API Inspection Summit, January 28-31, 2019, Galveston, TX.
  11. Prueter, P.E. and Shipley, K.S., “Proposed Updates to ASME B31.3 PWHT and Minimum Temperature Requirements,” presented by P.E. Prueter at the 2019 Biennial API Inspection Summit, January 28-31, 2019, Galveston, TX.
  12. Prueter, P.E., “The Effect of Post Weld Heat Treatment on Equipment Reliability: Basics, Case Studies, and Practical Guidance,” presented by P.E. Prueter at the Plant Maintenance, Inspection and Engineering Society (PMIES) Expo, March 22, 2018, Houston, TX.
  13. Prueter, P.E. and Macejko, B., 2017. “Fitness-For-Service Tutorial: Part 1 – Volumetric Damage Focus and Part 2 – Fracture Damage Focus,” ASME Conference Tutorial given by P.E. Prueter. Proceedings of 2017 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, July 16-20, 2017, Waikoloa, HI.
  14. Prueter, P.E., Kummari, S.R., and Osage, D.A., “Developing Life-Cycle Management Strategies and Minimum Pressurization Temperatures for Heavy-Walled Hydroprocessing Reactors,” presented by P.E. Prueter at the 21st Annual International Pressure Equipment Integrity Association (IPEIA) Conference, March 1-3, 2017, Banff, AB, Canada.
  15. Prueter, P.E. and Macejko, B.R., “Local Post Weld Heat Treatment: Fundamentals, Case Studies, and General Recommendations,” presented by P.E. Prueter at the 7th Biennial API Inspection Summit, January 30 – February 2, 2017, Galveston, TX.
  16. Prueter, P.E. and Kummari, S.R., “A Fracture Mechanics-Based Minimum Pressurization Temperature Assessment on a 2-1/4 Cr – 1 Mo Hydrotreater Reactor using Finite Element Analysis,” presented by P.E. Prueter at NACE CTW16 State-of-the-Art Session on MPT/Brittle Fracture, September 2016, Houston, TX.
  17. Prueter, P.E. and Dewees, D.J., “A Summary of the Computational Methodologies and Validation Techniques Employed to Develop Updated Weld Residual Stress Guidance in API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 Fitness-For-Service,” VVS2016-8820, presented by P.E. Prueter at the 2016 ASME Verification & Validation Symposium, May 16-20, 2016, Las Vegas, NV.
  18. Prueter, P.E. and Macejko, B.R., “Recommended Guidance for Local Post Weld Heat Treatment Configurations Based on Thermal-Mechanical Finite Element Analysis,” presented by P.E. Prueter at the 20th Annual International Pressure Equipment Integrity Association (IPEIA) Conference, February 24-26, 2016, Banff, AB, Canada.
  19. Prueter, P.E., Brown, R.G., and Dobis, J.D., “An Overview of Minimum Pressurization Temperature Optimization for Hydroprocessing Reactors,” presented by P.E. Prueter at the WRC/MPC Heavy Wall Cr-Mo-V Vessels Prevent Project Sponsors Meeting at the API Spring Refining and Equipment Standards Meeting, April 2015, Seattle, WA.
  20. Prueter, P.E. and Brown, R.G., “Summary of Section VIII Division 2 Code Case 2605,” presented by P.E. Prueter at the WRC/MPC Heavy Wall Cr-Mo-V Vessels Prevent Project Sponsors Meeting at the API Spring Refining and Equipment Standards Meeting, April 2015, Seattle, WA.

Industry Activities:

  • Author of recurring column “Damage Control” in Inspectioneering Journal that addresses different industry damage mechanisms and the detection, assessment, and mitigation of associated equipment degradation
  • Contributor and Voting Member – API Subcommittee on Corrosion & Materials (SCCM)
  • Project Manager of E2G’s HTHA Joint Industry Project (JIP)
  • Chair of the ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping (PVP) Conference Technical Session – Codes and Standards: API 579/ASME Code Fitness-for-Service Activities
  • Member of the ASME Section VIII Working Groups on Design by Analysis (WG-DBA) and Elevated Temperature Design (WG-ETD)
  • Instructor of the ASME Master Classes on Design by Analysis Requirements and Fatigue Analysis Requirements – ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII, Division 2
  • Contributor to the development of Fitness-For-Service Methodologies in API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 Fitness-For-Service, including the development of updated brittle fracture screening rules, weld residual stress guidance, and fatigue, ratcheting, and fatigue screening procedures
  • Contributor to the development of the fracture mechanics-based minimum pressurization temperature (MPT) guidelines for pressure equipment provided in WRC Bulletin 562
  • Contributor to the development of post weld heat treatment recommendations, impact test exemption curves, and impact testing guidance in EEMUA Publication 235: Guidance on PWHT for P1 C-Mn Steels
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